Public Participation

Our Mission

It is the primary goal of the MPO, to better educate the public on upcoming projects, federal requirements, and how to be/stay involved in the overall planning process. 

Our Values

We strive to ensure that every voice is heard and recognized. This includes giving speaking opportunities at every meeting, joining the email distribution list, or commenting on plans/programs by the MPO. 

Title VI


The Tri-Lakes Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) complies with all civil rights provisions of federal statutes and related authorities that prohibit discrimination in programs and activities receiving federal financial assistance. Therefore, the MPO does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, age, national origin, religion, disability, Limited English Proficiency (LEP), or low-income status in the admission, access to and treatment in the MPO’s programs and activities, as well as the MPO’s hiring or employment practices. Free language assistance will be provided to persons of LEP upon request. Complaints of alleged discrimination and inquiries regarding the MPO’s nondiscrimination policies should be directed to: Derrick Harris, MPO Study Director, ADA/504/Title VI Coordinator, Tri-Lakes Metropolitan Planning Organization, P.O. Box 6409, Hot Springs, AR 71902, 501-525-7577, Voice/TTY 711,

"The Tri-Lakes Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) will actively seek to engage and empower individuals with an interest in shaping the community’s development and decision-making processes.”